Manual Lymph Drainage is a core modality of complete decongestive therapy. It effectively redirects the lymphatic fluid from an after areas to an unaffected area. MLD also lessens chronic scarring and thickening of the skin which increasing immune defense in limbs. MLD applied alone may be successful in treating conditions other than lymphedema due to its physiological effects.
Benefits individuals with:
Phlebo-lymphostatic edema or venous and or arterial insufficiency
Postoperative edema
Plastic surgery pre and after care
Posttraumatic edema
Cancer and radiation therapies
Autoimmune disorders
Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Migraine/Sinus Headaches
Sinus Congestion
Toxic skin and superficial fascia
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage:
Specialized light pressure massage designed to improve lymphatic reabsorption by targeting lymphatic vessels and nodes
Stimulates lymph flow to speed decongestion in lymphatic system
Begins with diaphragmatic breathing
Indicated after surgery, trauma, for immune boosting healing effect
Pain-relieving and analgesic
Soothing and relaxing
May promote detoxification
Regional drainage support
Diureses or fluid balance

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of manual (hands-on) techniques such as applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and moving muscles and body tissues.
Benefits Include:
reducing muscle tension and stiffness
relieving muscle spasms
increasing joint and limb flexibility and range of motion
increasing ease and efficiency of movement
relieving points of tension and overall stress; inducing relaxation
promoting deeper and easier breathing
improving blood circulation and movement of lymph
relieving tension-related headaches and eyestrain
promoting faster healing of soft tissue injuries, such as pulled muscles and sprained ligaments
reducing pain and swelling related to injuries
reducing the formation of scar tissue following soft tissue injuries
enhancing health and nourishment of skin
improving posture by changing tension patterns that affect posture
reducing emotional or physical stress and reducing anxiety
promoting feelings of well-being

Therapeutic modalities may assist recover from various physical ailments including swelling, tissue restrictions, injuries, etc. May be added to treatments as necessary.
Negative Pressure Cupping
Myofascial Release Tools
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Joint Mobilization